GX Outdoors Policies


Quality Policy

Grillex Pty Ltd (trading as GX Outdoors) provides open space solutions for councils and private bodies to create innovative and inviting outdoor public spaces with our range of Smart electric BBQs, park & street furniture, shelters, bin enclosures and drinking fountains.

GX Outdoors is committed to operating and maintaining a documented Quality Management System compliant to the requirements of our ISO 9001:2015 accreditation while adopting a risk-based approach to meeting statutory and regulatory requirements.

We have established quality objectives aligned to the strategic direction of the business, to plan, implement and measure the effectiveness of the Quality System and ensure continuous improvement.

Clear and better communication both internally and externally on quality has been implemented to achieve these objectives.

To implement this policy, we have focused on the context and strategic direction of the business with particular reference to:
• engaging and maintaining our customers’ requirements and increase customer satisfaction
• increase productivity and reducing costs of poor quality
• commitment to provide quality products to meet our customers’ needs

The Leadership Team is committed to meeting customer and regulatory requirements as well as continually improving our Quality Management System. To achieve this, GX Outdoors encourages and promotes risk-based thinking among workers and stakeholders.
The Quality Management System will provide mechanisms for detecting system shortfalls and for stimulating process improvements.

GX Outdoors will adopt procedures and disciplines to ensure that the system is effectively implemented by undertaking relevant skills training and conducting appropriate quality awareness training.

This policy is communicated and understood throughout the organisation by all employees, available to internal and external stakeholders and regularly reviewed for continued suitability and improvement in our results.

Work Health & Safety Policy

Grillex Pty Ltd (trading as GX Outdoors) is a manufacturer of smart electric BBQs, park and street furniture, shelters, bin enclosures and drinking fountains.

The company recognizes its legal and moral responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace and to protect the health, safety and welfare of its workers, contractors, visitors and any other person who may be engaged to carry out work for the business.

Management is committed to establishing measurable objectives and targets and continuously improving WHS performance.

Our Policy drives the prevention of injury and illness in our business with a commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to health and safety as far as is reasonably practicable.

GX Outdoors is committed to complying with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, codes of practice and to complying with the requirements of AS/NZS 45001:2018.

Management will provide a commitment to:
• provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work- related injury and ill health
• fulfil legal requirements and other requirements;
• eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks;
• continual improvement of the OH&S management system;
• consult with and ensure participation of workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives.

GX Outdoors will adopt procedures and disciplines to ensure that the system is effectively implemented by undertaking relevant skills training and conducting appropriate quality awareness training.

This policy is communicated and understood throughout the organisation, available to internal and external stakeholders and regularly reviewed for continued suitability and improvement in our results.

Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy work environment that is free from workplace injury and illness. This will only be achieved through the participation, co-operation, and commitment of everyone in the workplace.

Environmental Policy

Grillex Pty Ltd (trading as GX Outdoors) is a manufacturer of smart electric BBQ’s, park and street furniture, shelters, bin enclosures and drinking fountains.

The company recognizes its legal and community obligations to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment and gain a greater awareness and understanding of environmental sustainability.

We are committed to establishing measurable objectives and targets and continuously improving our environmental performance through an Environmental Management System (EMS) that meets the requirements of the AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015.

Management are committed to:
• protecting the environment in which we operate, including prevention of pollution;
• complying with all relevant government legislation and policies and by meeting obligations required for environmental and sustainability reporting;
• minimising waste by evaluating our operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible;
• minimising toxic emissions through the selection and use of our fleet and the source of our power requirements;
• minimise waste through recycling and using recycled products and materials wherever practical and actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers;
• source and promote a product range to minimise our environmental impact;
• ensuring workers are instructed and trained in environmental procedures;
• encouraging workers to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions;
• conserve energy, water, paper and other natural resources while still providing a comfortable working environment;
• setting objectives and targets and reviewing them annually in order to improve our environmental performance and regularly assess the environmental impacts of our operations.

We will adopt procedures and disciplines to ensure that the system is effectively implemented by undertaking relevant skills training and conducting appropriate awareness training.

This policy is communicated and understood throughout the organisation by all employees, available to internal and external stakeholders and regularly reviewed for continued suitability and improvement in our results.